NOTHING What an immense concept for the mind! If there is something that one cannot imagine, then that “something” is Nothing. The very utterance of this word, the very thought of this concept gives it form, substance… and so removes its essence from the mind.

When we think of “nothing”, we imagine it as absence of something. This absence is placed in a certain place, but the place is already a “thing”. Empty space, a universe without matter, would be the closest idea to Nothing, but from this idea we must also remove space in order to rule out the possibility that something could be placed in Nothing.

In Nothingness there is no presence, no possibility of presence, no knowledge, no thing that could be an object of thought, no Thought. The very “in” before “nothing” gives it a capacity that consciousness cannot get rid of and thinks nothingness as a place. Nothing cannot be thought, it cannot be an idea.

Every idea and every concept in our mind are the result of our observation of the universe, which is space, time and matter. Following the above, there is no way we can have any idea and concept of Nothing. Nothing does not exist.

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