Испращам Ви покана за голяма Интернационална Среща за деня на зимното Слънцестоене на 21.12.2009 г. 18ч Парижко време.
Поканата е за всички, които желаят хармоничен живот, благоденствие, добро и творческо бъдеще.
Срещата ще е на страниците на: www.interneland.com в красивите виртуални светове:
Разговори могат да се водят чрез програмата – Team Speak – обясненията са в сайта.
На добър час.
Dear Friends,
Since some years, we have developped a way of communication in the virtual worlds in order to create environments that reflect energetic atmospheres in which we have pleasure to meet others.
Regularly, we invite interested people to join us in these original worlds to share encountering moments and find a real communion. In this way, we decrease geographical distances to create a force of positive concentration likely modifying ourselves and our environment.
In order to work for serenity in the world, we invite you to participate to a great universal communion during the next Solstice. We’ll gather in the virtual Temple of Stars.
This event will allow you to be reunified in a soaring impetus as you will be in contact, at the same time, with beings from the whole world who share the same sensitivity, and with Superior Dimensions watching over us.
This year, the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, when days are the shortest, will occur at 17:47 (or 05:47pm) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC or GMT) on Monday, December 21. In the Southern Hemisphere, this moment corresponds to the Summer Solstice when days are the longest because the Earth’s axis is tilted 23,5°. Our gathering therefore will take place from 17:00 GMT (18:00 Paris time).
– Then, you only will have to go to this page: http://www.interneland.com /
– click on the link “Full access”
– click on the image to enter the virtual space of the Temple of Stars.
Voice communication will take place on Teamspeak server which can be directly accessed on the website Interneland.com on the same page (“Talk on Line” below the rainbow buttons) When you click the Teamspeak menu the directions for installation are displayed.
Looking forward to your enthusiastic participation in this new event in virtual worlds,
In Cosmic Friendship,
The Organisation Team of the Unitary Science Institute